The Red One

"The Red One" is a short story by Jack London. It was first published in the October 1918 issue of Cosmopolitan, two years after London's death. The story was reprinted in the same year by MacMillan, in a collection of London's stories of the same name.[1]

"The Red One" describes a white man who lies dying on a South Pacific island inhabited by savages. The man discovers an enormous sphere, of extraterrestrial origin and unknown purpose, which the islanders worship.

The story is an early example of science fiction. It is included in James Gunn's The Road to Science Fiction, Volume 2: From Wells to Heinlein.

The US copyright on "The Red One" has expired, and the story is available on Project Gutenberg.


  1. ^ Suvin, Darko; Douglas, David. "Jack London and His Science Fiction: An Annotated Chronological Select Bibliography". Science Fiction Studies. Retrieved 2011-08-29. 

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